Your magazine
Sofa Ink Quarterly offers wonderful original stories, poetry, and nonfiction that is entertaining yet wholesome.

Special note for contributors
Our goal is a 1 to 3 month turn around for commenting on submissions. That goal has been shredded to pieces over the last year and a half. If you've submitted material to Sofa Ink Quarterly, please continue to be patient. We have over 600 submissions and are still getting more.
If you click on the link, we'll provide a run down on what our current submission count is, how we're doing at bringing it down, and information on how to find out the status of your particular submission.

Spring Issue progress
16 Feb. 2009 - Here is a first look at the likely cover for the spring issue. We are near finalizing the content for the issue and once we do, we'll have info on the authors available like we do for the current issue. The spring issue will be available in March 2009.
We've had to take a big pause in the magazine publishing but are moving forward once again.

Another Big Change in Format
14 Feb. 2009 - Happy Valentine's Day by the way. The reach of the magazine has increased beyond what is simple for local distribution. To meet demand, we are going to be offering an electronic version as well as a print version beginning with our Spring 2009 issue.
Since this is new for us, we expect to be exploring electronic formats a bit as we go. Please feel free to comment on the new format. You will be able to see the new electronic version as well as order print copies here once we reach publication for spring.